Origin of the Braschler Name
The Historisch-Biographisches Lexikon der Schweiz, Bd. 2 ed. H. Tuerler, M. Godet, V. Attinger. Neuenberg, 1924. Lists all Swiss family names, and includes the following:
"Braschler. Altes Geschlecht der zuercheschen Gemeinde. Greifensee und Uster (Nänikon), schon 1467 als BRASTLER auf dem Hofe Wildsberg zu Greifensee genannt, den es jahrhundertelang besass." Buehler: Geschichte der Gem. Naenikon [J. Frick], pp. 343-44.
In other words, "Braschler" is an old family from the towns of Greifensee and Uster (Nänikon) in the canton of Zurich. Before 1800, Braschlers could be found in the localities of Frienbach, Greifensee, Volkertswill, and Uster. Its origin before 1467 was the family BRASTLER which lived on the estate (large farm) Wildsberg at Greifensee where they resided for centuries.
"Braschler. Altes Geschlecht der zuercheschen Gemeinde. Greifensee und Uster (Nänikon), schon 1467 als BRASTLER auf dem Hofe Wildsberg zu Greifensee genannt, den es jahrhundertelang besass." Buehler: Geschichte der Gem. Naenikon [J. Frick], pp. 343-44.
In other words, "Braschler" is an old family from the towns of Greifensee and Uster (Nänikon) in the canton of Zurich. Before 1800, Braschlers could be found in the localities of Frienbach, Greifensee, Volkertswill, and Uster. Its origin before 1467 was the family BRASTLER which lived on the estate (large farm) Wildsberg at Greifensee where they resided for centuries.